The US election is over, Covid 19 is out of control and has ACDC suspended our in-person classes until February.  Great ending to a very weird year. For those of you who don’t know what my career looked like in the 90s, it started as a management trainer working with the Automotive Management Institute (AMI) out of Texas. The original name of our training company was the “Automotive Career Development Center” (ACDC for short) and that name had absolutely nothing to do with electric cars at that time. As Deb and I traveled the world and helped countless shops get into the hybrid and new EV business, mostly on technical side, we also added management training for those shops. Attracting new customers and working directly with hybrid and EV owners was what they needed. It is time for me to get back online and go through the things that I’ve learned, not just from shops in America, but Europe, Canada, Australia even shops in Africa that work. I think some of their ideas could fit perfectly well here in United States. These classes will be live, and unlike many classes that unmute you at the end, we stop about every 10 or 15 minutes, and check in with all the participants. And if anybody has a question, you don’t have to wait until the end. We start with our basic 9 classes, and then we’ll add more as I get some feel from the people that are taking the classes. The specific topics may need more attention, so after the one-hour long classes are done, specific topic can be covered, sometimes in less than 30 minutes. We start up in December and take some time off for the holidays. It would be great for your management staff, or anyone in the shop, to get a complete picture of how a business works from insurance to workman’s compensation, finances and everything in between. Getting and retaining new customers and more. We will make sure you’re prepared for a future that doesn’t look anything like today as Covid-19, new EV pickup trucks and more will change how we do business.   

Craig van Batenburg