The Democrats say they believe in Family Values. The Republicans say they believe in Family Values. What if you don’t have a family? Did you know that 29,000 US Kids will age out of Foster homes in America this year and hit the streets without a Family? Deb and I have adopted two boys that were in this situation and know the heartbreak they go through.

You can help Foster Kids by buying a ticket to win this tester, worth 2,200.00. Our Goal is $10,000 dollars raised. Total so far we have raised about 1,200.00. We can do better.

It was donated to FAAT CATS by Midtronics and it can be yours on December 9 at 9pm EST. We will be broadcasting live that night with a webinar about “How to Adopt a Child from Foster Care”.

If you want to help and maybe own a great HV battery tester, write a check payable to Worcester Shines, INC for $20.00 per ticket and mail it to:

Worcester Shines, Inc.      40 Boyd St.    Worcester, MA 01606

We will mail back a receipt and ticket stubs.

Or click on FAAT CATS and use paypal.

Can you help? Questions? Call 800 939 7909

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