Hybrid Cruise In
bannerMay 31 was a great day for our Church. The parking lot was full of hybrid and electric cars; the youth group was washing and cleaning out the interiors of many messy autos. Breakfasts, lunch and dinner were served. Over 10 automotive technicians, teachers and an engineer took an 8 hour class about hybrid cars and later that night some of us watched a documentary called “The Revenge of the Electric Car”. All in all, it was a successful event. There were no meetings, just the inspiration to put into action our vision of a sustainable world where oil is sparsely used. Wind and Solar powers our cars. Men and women together learn more about the effects of our use of oil and what we can do as a church to use it wisely. It was a pleasure for me and many church members (and some non members)  to add over $3,000 to help close last year’s budget gap. Look for an “Evening of Hybrids and Electric Cars” coming this summer. You know UUs are known as the “Church of the Prius”, so let us act like it.

You can see this Hybrid -EV stuff is close to home for me.

Craig Van Batenburg,