It is August 2022 and I find myself getting up at 6am most days to make coffee. Decaf. Then off to my home office studying and writing about (you guessed it) hybrid, plug-in and battery-powered vehicles. Seems like the monthly blog can wait. I am heading down the home stretch on a long, long run. I ran track in high school, all seasons, but cross country was the great teacher. “Keep running”, Mr. Looney said. That was a while back, but “Don’t stop. No walking” was a lesson that has served me well. Every successful technician that has the skills to fix a “No Code” modern car or truck, knows the feeling or a shop owner during the first few months of Covid-19 in 2020. I hope that all our ACDC customers and friends are ready for the EVs heading your way.


The ACDC College Level Book is done. Many of you bought the E-book with a promise of a printed copy to be sent out when it was done. I hope you have your copy and are enjoying it. Thanks for your patience. The book is in stock, ready to ship.

A 2020 Tesla Model 3 AWD is now part of our fleet. Why now?  You can get a factory scan tool so there is a big opportunity to service these EVs. 2022 has seen a huge increase in sales on EMVs. Not hard to figure out why. ACDC is expanding into our entire building (now 4,800 sq feet), so we can take care of you better. Looks like another busy year.

As a reward for finishing the new ACDC book (a five year project), I now own and ride a Zero SR/F electric motorcycle. Lots of power. 100 plus miles of range. Quiet, smooth and handles well.

Thanks for your support.

Craig Van Batenburg.