Hands-On ACDC Training

Official ACDC Covid Statement

Evolution Solution

This is a 5 Day class held in Worcester, MA. 6 of the ACDC fleet of cars will be here.  ACDC has lots of parts to work with, scan tools, and scopes. The class is based on today’s technology and teaching methods. What you are missing in your training will be answered.

5 Day Evolution Solution



$4,500 Includes meals, all handouts on an 10 gig jump drive, 3 ACDC EMV books , 5 or 6 night accommodation, over 30 hours of pre-training on the web and ACDC hospitality. As well as 6 months of Electude’s Automotive Essentials. A hotel at the airport for the last night is about $110. If you fly out after 9 pm the last day you will be fine, or spend the night at the hotel and fly the next day.

Before Class Starts

Before Class Starts

You will receive our 3 color eBooks and HEV 101, EV 101 and OEM webinars no matter where you live. The 3 books are Intro to Hybrid/EV, Tech Manual, and EMV College Level Textbook. That is over 30 hours of on-line training. If you do not finish the pre-study the codes will allow you to study for 3 more months when you return home. At the training center it’s all hands-on training.

Travel day is getting to your Accommodation and getting ready for class in the morning.

Day 1 8:30 –5:30 pm

Day 1 8:30 –5:00 pm.


Day 2 8:30 – 5:30 pm

Day 2 8:30 – 5:00 pm


Instructor is Craig Van Batenburg, CMAT, L1, and L3 Certified

We accept PO’s, AMX, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and a check 30 days ahead of time.

Day 3 8:30 to 5:30 pm

Day 3 8:30 to 5:00 pm


Day 4 8:30 to 5:30 pm

Day 4 8:30 to 5:00 pm


Location:  24 Wells Street, Worcester, Massachusetts  USA

Day 5 8:30 to 5:30 pm

Day 5 8:30 to 5:00 pm


Updated 09/15/2021