Mike and Craig Celebrating Mikes Marriage

Mike and Craig Celebrating Mikes Marriage

Who said you were not replaceable?

October 9, 1971 was the day my Father died. He was 50 years old and a Lincoln Continental went out of control in the Utah Mountains. It is a day I will never forget, I was 20 years old. My mother raised six children alone. March 31, 2005 was the day my Mother died. I was scheduled to teach a MACS class that night in Boston. Peter Orlando filed in at the last minute; I held my dying Mothers hand. She passed away at 7:05pm. Class was 35 minutes into its course material.

Are you where you need to be? If you are from my generation you have seen a lot change, but family is still family. I attended a funeral for a friend recently. Dale was 50. He had 3 kids and a wife, Jen. Brought me right back to October 9th. A few days later I ran into a shop owner while we were both on vacation at a Museum. They had an outdoor bar so we met up at 4:30 for a drink. It was Mike’s 29th wedding anniversary that day. We did not talk much about shop things. We was an “Up Your Voltage” graduate but even hybrids held little interest to us. It was kids and grandkids. His son was running the shop. I suggested he not call in. I am not sure Mike took my advice, but it was a good 30 minute visit. Deb reminded me he also gave $1,000 to FAAT CATS a few years back when business was booming. Good people. As the summer (in the Northern hemisphere) winds down it is these moments I will remember and cherish. Sure I love these new cars and all the benefits that they create and yes a new EV is an exciting day for me, but not everyone. Family is a topic that most of us enjoy, even when some family members make it tough at times, we just have to love them and practice “Grace”.  You won’t be here forever so do the best you can for those you love.

That’s enough heart, I must go back to work.