January was a very busy month at ACDC. I hope it was for you as well. Deb and I attended the Detroit Auto Show and caught up on the new EMVs; Volt, Bolt, VW, Hyundai Plug-in, Mercedes, BMW, Fuel Cells, Volvo and a weird Chinese EV as well. Visited our friends at Mott Community College in Flint as well as making new friends teaching at Baker College. Cold, very cold and snowy (drove the Toyota Highlander Hybrid iAWD). Great car for the conditions.

ACDC's 2000 Honda Insight ... Still Running Fine

ACDC’s 2000 Honda Insight … Still Running Fine

I flew to Birmingham, Alabama one week after Martin Luther King’s National Holiday to work with Honda Manufacturing in the town of Lincoln. In 1991 I interviewed for a job with Honda as an Instructor (they did not hire me) but now I had my chance. Most of you know I love Hondas so I was with my people. If that was not enough, I visited the Barber Motorcycle Museum after the Honda work and took a trip down memory lane with a CB77 (1965 Honda Super Hawk), CB400f (I own one), an SL350 and SL175, a 305 Dream, Step-through 50, CB750, CB500, CB450 and so many more. These are all machines I worked on before I opened my repair shop in 1977.
I also want to let you know who works at and helps ACDC do what we do. Deb, my wife, is the Swiss Army knife and also works for Job Corps when they need a fill in. Darcy Adshead (my sister) works on Tuesdays and keeps me filled in on the finances and pays the bills. Darcy is also the ACDC book editor and publishing director, Karen Durand our bookkeeper, Rick Adshead (her husband) works at home Wednesdays and Fridays keeping up with our ever expanding Qualified Shop Program, Damian Adshead is our graphic designer, Happy (her nickname) lives in Montreal and is our web master, social media guru and teaches me how to stay up with new web based technology. Her husband, Yves Racette, along with Jeff Gouveia, Al Gouveia, and Jamie Wooldrich are the ‘Up Your Voltage Crew’ that do the hands-on training over the weekend at our 6 day class. David Jones, a teacher at Ivy Tech in Indiana, helps with technical writing. Other that have assisted in the past and help on occasion; Matt Overbeck, David Taylor, Dan Cox, Ed Reuda, Al Playter, Patrick English, Alan Nagle, Matt Roda, Mike Isabella, Jack Larmor, Joey Hendrich, Jim Maddox and maybe a few I have missed. Our legal council is Bio-Diesel Dave, a former technician, shop owner turned attorney.

Also, all those that have supported FAAT CATS including; Pico, Midtronics, Redline and AE Tools. Thanks for helping Foster Kids.