Craig in 1978 with beard

The Picture is Earth Day, 1978 in Green Hill Park, Worcester, Mass. That is me with the beard leaning on my 1975 Honda Civic CVCC, 5 speed. I was offering a solution to the attendees, use less gas or none at all.

It is 2013 and I am still preaching the same thing. It is always good to reflect after a busy time.  ACDC has been on the move again. Up Your Voltage 31 was a huge success in N.C. I attended the SAE HEV/ PHEV/EV/FC conference in LA and also held classes there. Then off to Fort Myers to work on the lastest updates of our Video Training Series.

I am back in the office cooking up more classes and puting in some long hours keeping myself up-to-date. Hope to see you in class.
