August was a great month for ACDC as we offer our first WHAHT (West Hawley Advanced Hybrid Training) class. After class we all agreed it was as good as Up Your Voltage! (UYV) so we renamed it UYV XXIV.  It included all the classes, drinks, breakfast and lunch, snacks, cigars, 7 nights at a great retreat center, their own hybrid and the transportation to and from the airport, all power point training  materials on CD, the ACDC 2010 Hybrid manual, use of shop equipment, and an ACDC Master Hybrid Qualification Certificate  (if they passed the written test). The best part was the Deb inspired ACDC hospitality.

3 EVs for rent in Denmark. Deb and visited while on business to Norway.

Also in August we cleaned the ACDC offices and I found some cool books I misplaced about the Honda Motor Company and took the time to drink some great beer, read a little and smoke cigars with Chris Horton and relax. I was home for a solid 6 weeks (the longest stretch since 2004).

The picture is three EVs for rent in Denmark.  Deb and I toured around that area after a buiness trip to Oslo, Norway.  The cost for a day of rental was only 20 US dollars.

A student sent us a note:

Floris van Acquoy (A 19 year old student from Holland)

Craig, First of all I would like to thank you for this evening. I would love to have more information about the hybrid reading (Class) we had last evening. I tried to talk to you after the reading but there were so many people, that I thought it would be better to email you. First I didn’t really care about the hybrid cars, but after the reading it totally changed. And I want to learn much more about it, and I loved to be in touch with you. This reading and all kind of teaching is what I want to do after I graduate for my technical specialist. And I really want to teach people more about hybrids and new kind of technology. I hope to hear from you Greetings, Floris van Acquoy

Craig’s note: Floris speaks two languages  (Dutch and English). He is in a 4 year graduate program in the Netherlands (What we mistakenly call Holland). The Dutch educational system for Automotive Technology is one America could use. At 19 he is fully trained in scopes and electronics. He is the rule, not the exception in his class.