2017 Chevy Bolt 60 KWh pack.
I sent a request to Identifix for some technical information about the new 2017 Chevy Bolt ACDC has just acquired. Well guess what? I received some great info about the Volt. Then an ACDC shop called about the faster charger on the Bolt and I explained that the Volt does not have fast charging. This was all in the span of 3 days so here I am with a communication problem that makes it hard to talk about two great GM cars, the Volt and Bolt. Then I remembered a trip to Berlin last year and a strange little car called the “Trabant” and I knew I had the answer to my problem. Now at all my spoken classes we have a Volt and Tlob. Yes, that is Bolt spelled backwards and it works. Easy to say “Till-ob”, just smoosh it all together and presto, no more problem. Everyone in the class knows what car I am referring to and now learning can happen. Welcome to my world of “Tlob”. 238 miles to a charge, fast, fun, affordable and no more gasoline. I may even call it a “Tlobant” . It has a nice ring to it.
To learn more about the Chevy “Tlob” watch for an Email inviting you a Free (sort of) one hour live Webinar soon to help raise needed funds for some special boys.