Auto Air Parts in Puerto Rico

Auto Air Parts in Puerto Rico

I just got back to my office after a 2 week vacation, a Birthday and classes in Puerto Rico. What a great month so far. Climate change is keeping things warmer in Massachusetts than normal. The forecast is 60 F (15c) for Christmas. Normal is about 30F (Oc). ACDC had a record breaking year. All the associates at ACDC are doing well. The training center is getting a lot of use. More equipment, a Toyota Camry Hybrid was added recently and we are building lift fixtures for removing EV batteries. One of the best new things at ACDC is our intern program. 10 college students from Holland and the USA spent 6 to 8 weeks at ACDC. Our office is also a home for two students. Pairs of bright young automotive grads (2 to 4 years of college) lived and breathed hybrid and EV technology. No one wanted to go home but now they are much better equipped with some real world lessons.
December 20 is also the birthday of Deb and Van Batenburg’s Garage. I won’t mention the year Deb was born (hint: same as me) but I started my shop in the twentieth of December 1977. 38 years ago. I have lived in the same house for 30, married to Deb for 26 but ACDC (Formerly VBG) has been a rock for me. I have been blessed to work in an industry that keeps me thinking. ACDC has younger people here that keep us all young. Deb is awesome and adds the glue here. I see myself as the “Techie” with a vision of a better planet. And without you, our customers, none of us at ACDC would have the jobs we have. Thanks for your business over the years.
Merry Christmas, whether you are Christian or not, it is a great time of year.